No matter what you need, one phone call (or one text) takes care of it. FM360 was created to make life easier for...
As a building manager or owner, you typically hear right away about any issues that occur inside your building. The occupants are quick to let you know when something isn’t working properly.
But what about the outside of your building? Often your building’s exterior can get overlooked as maintenance staff deals with more urgent or mission-critical issues.
Regular maintenance of your building’s exterior is critical, not only to protect the long-term value of your building, but also to enhance energy efficiency.
The FM360 Total Facility Management program offers a , providing you with a complete report of the condition of your building’s exterior. And if you’d rather not distract your maintenance staff with exterior repairs, our team can complete all necessary repairs quickly and affordably.
With FM360, your exterior infrastructure inspection and maintenance can be provided as part of an ongoing service agreement, or as a one-time service. This includes:
As a service offering, FM360’s mission is to help facility owners maintain the value of their building investment. We stand ready to assist you in whatever capacity makes the best financial sense for your situation.
Now is the best time of year to have your building’s exterior inspected and repaired. Don’t wait until bad weather reveals existing problems. Let our team conduct a thorough inspection and inform you of any potential issues or recommended repairs.
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No matter what you need, one phone call (or one text) takes care of it. FM360 was created to make life easier for...
Performing regular winter maintenance projects before every winter season yields big long-term savings by protecting...
When the end of winter is in sight, many building owners and managers are ready to focus on making changes, upgrades...